Goal Race 2021
So here we are, start of a new year. Normally, this is when most athletes start a fresh block of training or are heading into Race #1. March would always be my first Half Marathon -The Chilly Half in Burlington. Sometimes warmish, sometimes terrible. I didn’t realize last year, when I lined up for the race a week before my first Florida training camp for Ironman, this would be my only start & finish line of 2020.
Fast forward to January 2021, we are surviving at doing the impossible for an impossibly long time without a finish line in sight. Initially, I found comfort in my routine, I believed the emails suggesting my “Goal Race” was postponed until fall. Foolish maybe, naïve and uninformed – likely, ignorant, and childish for not truly recognizing the dangers, somewhat. Regardless, here we are.
I’m still working for an incredible charity- and grateful for the opportunity to do so. I have not gained the “COVID-19” as I have developed a routine that involves movement and sport. My partner is supportive, and we stay active together, fat biking now that winter has hit in Southern Ontario - I feel alive and free in the forest on single track trails.
But its there, I feel the Pandemic Fatigue has hit me, my emotions are at an all time high, uber-sensitive and somewhat depressed about the system or lack of system to get the vaccines into the communities. When something silly as forgetting to buy something at the grocery store, or not knowing if my kids are online schooling, sends me off, I know that its time to take a step back and breathe.
I know I am not losing my mind. You aren’t losing your mind either. There is nothing wrong with me. There is nothing wrong with you. It’s ok to be overwhelmed. It’s ok if you feel like you need a break.
Underneath our so called “new normal” there is a subconscious reality that is ridiculously difficult.
As you move through your week juggling work priorities, teenagers, supporting seniors who struggle with technology and paying the bills….its ok to acknowledge the subconscious fear…
Of losing a loved one, of getting sick ourselves, of our economy and how it will ever recover, the list goes on and on…
Over the past year my goals have shifted – I haven’t got a “Goal Race 2021” other than LIFE.
I am a WARRIOR, A FIGHTER, A MOM who shows up every day - for her job - Fundraiser, Partner, Sister, Daughter: these are my races this year.
Believe in yourself. Accept that not every day is good. Keep showing up. One day, we will look back on this time and recognize that we fought for our health and the health of our communities. But give yourself some LOVE. Honor her today, you are here, you’re trying your best. Keep moving forward.