Half Marathon Age Group Win M70-74
The Calgary HM, on May 29, was the first race of my 2022 season. And considering the journey to get to it, I am quite happy with my time of 1:39:39 for first in my Age Category (M70-74).
I got injured in May 2021, right after I ran a virtual marathon which qualified me for the WANDA Age Group World Championships to be held at the London Marathon in October 2022. After attending many physiotherapy sessions, and also taking a Cortisone injection for my pulled, right hamstring, I managed to start some slow runs in early March.
I basically had about two months of quality training, during which I was still dealing with niggles in my left knee, and my right hamstring was still acting up once in a while. I managed to make it to the start line, but not without further drama! A couple of days before the race, on a whim, I tested my blood pressure, and I was shocked to find out that it was sky-high, 212/90. I put it down to pre-race nerves, but the next day I got the same result. I was advised by a nurse practitioner to forego the race. But nothing was going to keep me from the start line!
Once race day arrived, I forgot all about my medical condition and tried to focus on my performance. The course is not as flat and fast as advertised, added to that was the cold temperature and the wind. I started conservatively, at an Avg. Pace of 4:49 min/km and then settled into a steady Avg. Pace of 4:44 min/km. Towards the last 4 to 5 km is when it dawned on me and thought about the warning that I shouldn't have been running this race, but I figured that I had made it this far, nothing is going to happen for the last stretch. Always staying positive!
After the race, I started medication to lower my blood pressure, and I was out running again on Tuesday with an easy recovery run in Banff.
I would have to say that the Calgary Marathon is a nice destination race. The city itself is clean, with loads of parks and trails to wonder about. Lake Louise and Banff are a must-visit, and if you can also do a run in Banff, it's quite a bonus.
Next is the WANDA Age Group World Championships in conjunction with the London Marathon on October 2. For this build-up I am trying to lose some weight by cutting down on simple carbohydrates, and I am finding the Hold the Carbs bread, pancake mixes to be really helping, and the Granola is super delicious.